


The new academic year has just begun at Saint Mary’s Catholic High School, our sister school in the U.S. This year, one second grade high school student has taken on the big challenge and responsibility of representing Nigawa Gakuin for a one-year study abroad experience. After completing a 6-month orientation period in Japan, Wakana arrived in Phoenix, Arizona in the middle of the dry summer heat of 44 degrees! Just a few days later, she joined her new friends and teachers, in full uniform, to commence classes – of course, in English!

Wakana’s classmates here at Nigawa have already had an opportunity to talk with her during an English class video chat, and we are looking forward to seeing regular updates and photos on our international noticeboard. Good luck Wakana!



私たちの姉妹提携校である、アメリカのSaint Mary’s Catholic High Schoolでも新学期が始まりました。今年度は本校から1名、現在高校2年生の生徒が仁川学院を代表して渡米し、同校での留学生活を始めています。出発まで半年間のオリエンテーションを行い、アリゾナ州・フェニックスに到着したワカナさん。到着した日はなんと44度の気温でした!! 到着して数日後には、もう新しい制服を着て、新しい仲間や先生方と出会い、授業も始まりました。
