

【受け入れ】From France!

The junior high and elementary schools were recently lucky enough to have a special overseas visitor. Emie was born and raised in France, but has been living in Singapore for the past several years and decided to take advantage of her school holidays to experience Japanese school life for the first time. As with previous visitors, our students were keen to ensure that Emie made the most of her time with us through various activities, only wishing that she could have stayed longer.

Using her remarkable language skills in English, Japanese and her native French, Emie taught us about her home in France and her current life in Singapore. She also joined several elementary school classes receiving an enthusiastic welcome from the 5th and 6th graders (see picture).

We will be sure to stay in contact with Emie and look forward to her next visit later this year. Merci, Emie!

Elementary school (16) (blog) C3-4 (1)(blog)





これからもエミさんとは連絡を取り合っていきたいですし、次回の訪問を心待ちにしています! メルシー、エミさん!

【受け入れ】From America!

This week, the junior high school is lucky to have a special visitor from the United States who is visiting Nigawa during her summer vacation. Marisa’s family is Japanese, but she was born and raised in San Jose, California. School life in the U.S. is very different from that in Japan, and this week will be an opportunity for her to experience first hand these differences. Marisa gave our English class today a very informative presentation on her usual school life, much of which was very eye-opening for our students. We hope that Marisa enjoys her short time at Nigawa and perhaps comes back one day for a longer visit!



今週、仁川学院中学校ではアメリカからの特別訪問者をお迎えしました! ご家族は日本人ですが、カリフォルニア州のサン・ホセで生まれ育ったマリサさんが、夏休みを利用して本校に来てくれたのです。アメリカでの学校生活と日本の学校生活の違いは非常に異なっています。マリサさんにとっては、その違いを肌で感じる機会です。彼女も、私たちに英語の授業の中で、アメリカでの日常生活についてプレゼンテーションをしてくれました。本校の生徒たちにとっても、「目から鱗」的な情報が満載でした。今回は短期訪問でしたが、また是非日本に来て、今度はもっと長い期間本校を訪れてきてほしいと願っています!


This January we welcomed another exchange student from our sister school in Australia, Padua College. Callum comes to Nigawa having had a keen interest in Japan and the Japanese language for several years, and we are looking forward to helping him make the most of his one-year stay with us. In addition to being highly motivated to improve his Japanese skills, Callum is also planning to take part in many extra-curricular activities at school and wants to see as much of the country as possible. For Nigawa students, this is yet another exciting opportunity to learn more Australia and Padua College, as well as a chance to improve their intercultural communication skills.

Good luck Callum!

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カラム君、これから一年間頑張ってくださいね! 応援しています!!


Anna, our first exchange student from St. Mary’s College Ipswich in Australia, has completed her one-year exchange at Nigawa. During her experience, Anna took part in all facets of Japanese school life, including club activities and our school trip to Italy. Her enthusiasm and love of Japan has left a lasting impression on her classmates, teachers and host families, and we are looking forward to maintaining contact via skype until we can meet again in person.

Anna, good luck with your first year of university in Australia. We hope to see you again soon!

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アンナさん、オーストラリアでの大学生活頑張ってくださいね! また会えることを願っています!!


The biannual program with Institution Marmoutier has become a regular event on the Nigawa Gakuin calendar of international activities. On October 24 we received a group of students and teachers, the third time we have had the opportunity to take part in exchange activities with our friends from France.

Throughout the day, our visitors took part in activities with Nigawa Gakuin elementary, junior high and high school students, but this time it was the junior high school’s turn to take center stage. In addition to numerous in-class activities that included social studies, Japanese and English lessons, the French students were hosted for 3 nights by students from the junior high school, giving them a unique chance to experience Japanese home life. Moreover, the host students had an opportunity to make new friends and communicate with students from abroad in a more relaxed setting outside the school. These friendships have, in the past, been ongoing, with students staying in contact via e-mail and one Nigawa Gakuin student even visiting France during the summer vacation!

Thank you Marmoutier for yet another exciting day. All of us here at Nigawa Gakuin look forward to your next visit in 2016.






A group of students and teachers from our sister school in Australia, St. Mary’s College Ipswich, visited Nigawa on September 29th as part of their Japan tour that takes place every 2 years. The group was comprised of students who study Japanese and have a keen interest in learning about Japan in general.

Each student was assigned a “buddy” for the day who introduced the visitors to many aspects of the Japanese school day that are not part of their routine in Australia, including choreishurei and classroom cleaning. Moreover, there were opportunities to take part in classes with Nigawa students and, of course, a little time to catch up with their senpei, Anna, currently on a one-year exchange with us from St. Mary’s.

Some of the students have expressed their hopes to follow in Anna’s footsteps by coming here again on a long-term exchange, and we look forward to seeing them again soon.

Thank you St. Mary’s!

HR (13) Japanese (33)

Kendo (4) Welcome ceremony (11)

Welcome ceremony (16) Welcome ceremony (19)

After school (15)small





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