

【アメリカ留学】2023/2024 in Saint Mary’s

今年度も、アリゾナ州フェニックスにある姉妹校セント・メアリーズ・カトリック高校へ本校の生徒が留学プログラムに参加しています。家族や友人、先生方とお別れをした後、チヒロさんはアメリカでの新たな生活を始めるために8月5日に日本を出発しました。まだ 2 か月も経っていませんが、彼女はホストファミリーとのホームライフに慣れ、新しい学校生活にも慣れ、たくさんの友達ができています。チヒロさんの健闘を祈り、その素晴らしい経験が留学掲示板上で報告されるのを楽しみにしています。




Once again, we have a student representing Nigawa Gakuin at Saint Mary’s Catholic High School in Phoenix, Arizona, on our American study abroad program. After saying goodbye to her family, friends and teachers, Chihiro departed Japan on August 5 to begin her new adventure in America. Not even 2 months have passed since arriving in Phoenix and she has already settled in with her host family, adjusted to school life and made many friends. We look forward to hearing about her experiences on the international noticeboard.





6年度 アメリカ留学

6年度 オーストラリア・ニュージーランド留学

【アメリカ留学】Good luck in America!





The study abroad program with Saint Mary’s Catholic High School, our partner school in Phoenix, Arizona, is once again up and running!  After saying goodbye to her family, friends and teachers, Natsumi departed Japan on August 5 in order to begin her new school life and adventure in America. She will spend the entire academic year (10 months) at Saint Mary’s, learning a new culture, improving her English and of course making many new friends. We wish her good luck and look forward to hearing about her experiences on the international noticeboard.








This week we welcome back 3 students following the completion of their study abroad program at Saint Mary’s Catholic High School in Arizona, USA.

Since departing Japan in August, 2019, the students have been on an international adventure that included studying at our partner school in America, experiencing a new home life with their host families and learning about a new culture. Although they returned to Japan a little earlier than planned due to COVID-19, they continued their American school curriculum online, the same as their classmates at Saint Mary’s.

The students return to Nigawa Gakuin as 3rd year students, so they will be eager to make use of their experience in their final year while preparing for the next big step in their lives.

Welcome back!


アメリカ・アリゾナ州のSaint Mary’s Catholic Hish School の留学プログラムを修了した本校生3名が今週、復学します。

この3名は2019年8月に日本を出発し、ホストファミリーとの生活を通して異文化を学びながら、姉妹校に通い、海外でのかけがえのない経験をしました。新型コロナウィルスの影響のため、予定よりも少し早く帰国をしましたが、Saint Mary’sのクラスメイトとともに、現地のオンライン授業で勉強を続けました。













After spending an unforgettable 10 months studying in the U.S., Wakana has finally returned to Nigawa Gakuin – now as a 3rd grade student. Many of us were following her adventures through the monthly reports and photos posted on the exchange noticeboard, but now we have an opportunity to hear first-hand about the many experiences she had during her studying abroad.



In addition to her core studies, Wakana was involved in many extra-curricular activities such as drama and dance, enabling her to forge strong friendships with both students and teachers and Saint Mary’s. This experience helped her to improve her English communication skills and become more independent. As Wakana takes on her next challenges in the final year of high school, she will also be helping our next students prepare for upcoming exchanges to the U.S. and Australia.




Our warmest regards and thanks go out to everyone at our sister school Saint Mary’s Catholic High School in Arizona and her host family for their wonderful support.









The new academic year has just begun at Saint Mary’s Catholic High School, our sister school in the U.S. This year, one second grade high school student has taken on the big challenge and responsibility of representing Nigawa Gakuin for a one-year study abroad experience. After completing a 6-month orientation period in Japan, Wakana arrived in Phoenix, Arizona in the middle of the dry summer heat of 44 degrees! Just a few days later, she joined her new friends and teachers, in full uniform, to commence classes – of course, in English!

Wakana’s classmates here at Nigawa have already had an opportunity to talk with her during an English class video chat, and we are looking forward to seeing regular updates and photos on our international noticeboard. Good luck Wakana!



私たちの姉妹提携校である、アメリカのSaint Mary’s Catholic High Schoolでも新学期が始まりました。今年度は本校から1名、現在高校2年生の生徒が仁川学院を代表して渡米し、同校での留学生活を始めています。出発まで半年間のオリエンテーションを行い、アリゾナ州・フェニックスに到着したワカナさん。到着した日はなんと44度の気温でした!! 到着して数日後には、もう新しい制服を着て、新しい仲間や先生方と出会い、授業も始まりました。




This month, four students who spent 10 months studying in the U.S. (Arizona and Hawaii) returned to Nigawa Gakuin. All of us here at Nigawa had been following their adventures via the monthly reports and photos posted on the exchange noticeboard, and now we have an opportunity to hear first-hand from the students themselves about the many unforgettable experiences they had during their studying abroad.



Not only did this experience help them improve their English skills, they have returned to us as more mature and independent 3rd grade students, ready to face their next big challenge as “jukensei”. In addition, they will also be helping our next students prepare for upcoming exchanges to the U.S. and Australia.

Our warmest regards and thanks go out to our everyone at our sister school Saint Mary’s Catholic High School in Arizona, our new friends at Sacred Hearts Academy in Hawaii, and the host families who supported our students during their time in the U.S.



アメリカから「ただいま!」 そして「おかえり!」



姉妹提携校であるSaint Mary’s Catholic High School(アリゾナ州)の皆さん、今回から新しい交流が生まれたSacred Hearts Academy(ハワイ州)の皆さん、そして今回彼女たちを支えてくれたホストファミリーの皆さん、本当にありがとうございました!


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